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Is that light at the end of the tunnel an oncoming train?

Is that light at the end of the tunnel an oncoming train?

We are coming to the end of the year and as far as the house is concerned sometimes it feels as if we are still just pushing a huge boulder uphill, inch by inch with a great deal of effort getting us not very far. The huge boulder of course being Portuguese bureaucracy.

Adding to our frustration we had recently met some Brits who told us that they had put in for planning permission to rebuild their house over a year ago and it had only come through the week before. However, in that time they had already done the work! They said that they had met the big cheese at the Camara (municipality) quite some time ago and he had orally given them the OK to start work and that had been enough for them.

We decided to do likewise so took the bull by the horns and attempted to see someone at the Camara (municipality) who actually had some clout. We were determined not to be turned away this time.

So far, we had put in our planning application and last month we had got news that we had to make a few minor changes/provide further details. Our architect had done this and resubmitted. When we got to the Camara we were told that another letter had been prepared in response to our new submission and was about to be sent out to us. (Although written, this letter could have taken a week or two before actual posting so it was good that we went anyway!). This new letter contained further requests for information and matters that needed remedying. One item stated that there was a problem because our house was less than 3 metres from a neighbouring property. Were they now asking us to shift our 100 year old house by a few metres? Why had this come up now?

Anyway, we got to see the head honcho and told him we needed at the very least to start work on the roof as it was leaking quite badly. There was then much discussion between colleagues, not about our request, it seemed, but that certain internal procedures regarding our application had not been followed correctly. Oh no, not more delays! The senior engineer was called in for more consultations with the senior building inspector. We hadn’t a clue what was happening but then suddenly we were asked if we could meet them again tomorrow, with our builder, at our house with a view to moving things along so we could get the building work started – at least that’s what we think was said.

Is that light at the end of the tunnel or an oncoming train?