Project work

Project work

So we find ourselves in the garden most days battling with the brambles, collecting walnuts or adding to the bonfire pile. There are a number of projects we have finished, many still on the go (eg the bramble busting) and many yet to start. A minor project finished today was making a small pond down towards where all the veg will grow (very big project yet to start!). The idea is that it encourages slug eating creatures (aka toads) to come out and keep our greens nibble free. So a small hole was dug (by me – not a tractor in sight!) and then over the three days of downpour filled with rainwater. Nothing is to be added, apparently the plants and toads will arrive all by themselves! Well, I was chuffed:

From start to finish
From start to finish

Richard, meanwhile, has been working on the big pond. Now that has been dug and covered in black plastic it seems there won’t be any rain for a bit so we have to wait for that project to be ticked off.

Just waiting for um dia de chuva or two...
Just waiting for um dia de chuva or two...

You’ll notice that Richard is sporting a snazzy new pair of bright blue overalls (the top not on as digging a hole is hot work). We had been looking for some work clothes for sometime and then found these in a shop yesterday. Unfortunately, they only had the one colour so we look a couple of twerps in matching outfits but at least they’ll keep us cleaner (and perhaps stop the brambles from snagging our clothes). I’m looking forward to the next garden projects: one is picking the black olives and then either turning them into oil or bottling them, and the other is picking the quinces and making quince jam. Saboroso!

4 thoughts on “Project work

  1. Am really enjoying reading through your adventures and hard work so far. Tried to find you on a map but no luck. I an interested in the putting the climate and location together in my mind.
    Good luck for the future.

  2. Hi Roxane

    One of our pages (see pages on casa azul in the links bar top right) has a google map which you can zoom out to see exactly where we are but basically we are just south and east of Coimbra in Central Portugal. The climate must be strange this year because it’s near the end of October but we are still getting warm sunny days and hardly any rain. Even too hot to work in the garden!

  3. Thanks Kristina! I made the jam (well, jelly) tonight but not a great success as it went beyond the setting point too much so rather too sticky! Tastes ok though…

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